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Él no era consciente que cuando se realizara su sueño de toda la vida, todo sería tan diferente. Al ver a la nueva Amy con otro aspecto, Sheldon se marcha corriendo desaprobando un nuevo cambio en su vida. Algo que hace enloquecer a Sheldon y grita: Algo que se han mencionado mucho y parecía que no iba a llegar. Ellos se van marchando y dejando solos a él y a Amy. Pero la pandilla se lo piensa mejor y no regresan a casa, ya que saben lo importante que es este momento y no van a abandonarlos.

La actriz que protagonizó la serie Buffy cazavampiros. El discurso de Amy con el premio Nobel es breve, entonces Sheldon decide cambiar el suyo que era largo y mencionaba a todos aquellos que le habían dicho en su vida que no lo conseguiría.

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Contrario a lo que se cree, la causa no es que se disminuya el flujo de sangre al cerebro para desviarla hacia el estómago durante la digestión. La somnolencia que sentimos después de un gran banquete sucede en parte porque el cuerpo activa un mecanismo de "descanso y digestión".

Todo se debe al movimiento de partículas cargadas eléctricamente o a la inherente característica de los objetos magnéticos, como en cada polo de los imanes y el campo magnético comienza en el polo norte y termina en el polo sur.

El alcohol en exceso puede irritar las paredes del estómago y provocar alteraciones en el funcionamiento de este y el intestino delgado. Raj se conecta con pennywise el cuerpo trata de expulsar el exceso y protegerse de ese "veneno", como lo ve el cerebro, de manera inmediata. Los sueños ocurren en una parte de nuestro cerebro donde no aplica la memoria a largo plazo, es por eso que recordamos muy pocos detalles o los olvidamos por completo cuando nos levantamos.

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Se filmó en sólo 40 días a lo largo de casi dos años. .. El maravilloso, el increíble, el genial, el terrorífico Pennywise, el payaso bailarín se roba la película , lo cual y, como después les voy a contar, gracias a esta actuación, fue la única con la que pude conectar. .. ¿Raj va a morir solo o no entendí la temporada?. es un horizonte profesional que te marcas a ti mismo. Un objetivo actúa como guía dentro de un marco de acción que indica la dirección correcta que conecta .

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Times Square, Michael Donovan. Ciudad de Nueva York, Sante Forlano. La moda era algo muy importante en esta época, y todas las personas vestían elegante y apropiadamente para salir a dar un paseo por las calles de la ciudad.

Como portada de revista. Pesca, schants. Belleza, 's omeccamonolith. Al pensar en la belleza femenina de los años 50s es casi imposible no mencionar a Marilyn Monroe, y es que las curvas y las piernas largas eran lo que todas las chicas querían raj se conecta con pennywise, aparte de una sonrisa hermosamente natural.

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Solteros De Inver Grove Heights Weather Hourly

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Yet heights are often traversed by them without rationally conjecturable cause. A muleteer seems to head up hill by instinct, as a trout heads up stream. Meanwhile we compromise opposites as we can in our field work.

Progress has steadily bettered from the first week. By frequent camp mov- ings and methodical devices still inventing, we hope to go on bettering. The line of survey traced hither from Quito descends along the southern fiank of Machdngara Gorge, over very difficult ground for a few miles, until the expand- ing valley permits it to round the solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly inclined promontory near Cumbaya, between Rio Machangara and Rio San Pedro, to a crossing of the latter stream, whence it proceeds northeastward by way of Tumbaco, Puembo, Yaruqui, Quinche, hacienda Cusubamba and the vicinity of Oton, over a wide plain gullied by numer- ous streams fiowing northwestward into the profound gulfs of Rio Guaillabamba and Rio Pisque; and, turning eastward up the brook Guachald, reaches the village of Cayambe, whence the valleys of Rio Blanco and Rio San Jose give easy approach to the Pecillo Summit of Nudo de Cajas, 10, feet 3, meters above the sea, between the great mountains Mojanda and Cayambe, 58 miles 93 kiloms.

Thence it develops westward around a cove in the elevated isthmus connec- ting the mountains Mojanda and Imbabura in order to effect the descent into the valley of the Toguando and follows the eastern fiank of that valley to Ibarra, 79 miles kiloms.

The survey marks quite closely the line of a prospective location between Quito and Ibarra. But it is questionable whether even Quito itself should divert the great thoroughfare from its natural course, ascending southward, up the valley of Rio San Pedro.

It may be found expedient to adopt that natural course, and serve the Capital with a loop or spur. We would also record our ap- preciative thanks to the Master of Guachala and to Sefior Don Juan Miguel Gan- gotena of Cochicaranqui, for hospitalities extended to the Exploring Commission while in their neighborhood.

Camp 11, neab TulcAn, August 3d, The basin of Ibarra lies between the knots of Cajas and Huaca. It is drained by the Toguando and its tributaries from the south, by the Huaca from the north, both of them affluent to the Chota, which river, coursing westward, from its sources in the oriental cordillera, to a point 10 miles 16 kiloms. It is called "Mira" on its lower reach, across the coast plain, and forms a good natural outlet to the Pacific Ocean, not yet improved.

That portion of Chota Valley traced by our survey from the Toguando up stream to the Huaca, about 10 miles 16 kiloms. Its solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly bench down at the rate of 1, feet to the mile meters per kilom. The same formation is revealed in the Huaca Valley caflons, where also thin surface beds of limestone and black earth remain as tokens of an old lake bed 8, feet 2, meters or thereby above the sea.

Samples of up-country rock gathered from a low water bar in Rio Chota ranged from sand through baked clay, clayey conglomerate or pudding stone, to fine sand and quartzose rock, feldspar, red clay-stone bright as cinnabar, clay- stones yellow and brown, pure quartz and quartz blended with mica ; fragments of igneous rock, porphyritic, trachytic and basaltic, largely predominating.

This basin and that of Quito are fine, compact memorials of the long conflict between forces of elevation and degradation. Here the old Earthquake Demon taught her young ruin. Their object lessons, still extant, would bewitch the enthusiastic student of physiography.

A little green shelf on the arid steep and an occasional narrow verdant strip along the waterside only solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly the desert scene by contrast. Descending with the camp train from Alaburu, we passed a zone of light-green, willow-leafed and many- branched shrubs, six or eight feet high at their best 2 meterscalled chuquiragua by the natives, growing in patches ; and a ground-hugging shrub, dometopped, half that size with shrivelled, ovate gray-green foliage, pale on the under side, like Shakespeare's "hoar solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly in a glassy stream.

Even the cactus survived merely as a shrunken nest of yellow thorns, without verdure. We had a sultry week or more in that torrid pit, swarming with venomous gnats, fleas and bloodsucker bats, afflictive to man and beast.

The Upper Huaca is a beautiful valley. The western highlands thrust long and broad spurs into it, dropping down in easy stages, benchwise — where more eroded, hummockwise — to an elevated, open plain, bright green, humanized by cabins, hamlets and domestic animals; which plain, four or five miles wide 6.

The eastern moun- tains bluff down to the vicinity of the river and are steeper than their western opposites. They are heavily wooded. Some of the ravines westward are also well timbered. The cactus and the maguey are not seen here, say 9, feet 2, meters above tide.

On their lower courses the Huaca and its laterals flow through a cafion-ravine system of channels, cleaving a plateau upland which is comparatively level. South of the Chota the courses of the Toguando and Ambi somewhat resemble those of the Huaca. Our survey, coming northward from Nudo de Cajas, followed the obvi- ous route by way of the rivers above named. Future studies of this difficult country will almost surely reveal alternatives to supersede our project of location along the Lower Huaca.

Preferably to such a detour up the Chota, that upland might possibly be won more directly by means of a pusher gradient of about 5. With a simi- lar gradient four miles long 6. One extra engine would suifice. The tunnel at Boliche Summit, through the Nudo de Huaca, is proposed to be one mile long 1. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly July 23d, a distribution of animals, equipment and supplies having been made beforehand, the Corps divided into two sections; Section 2, under Mr.

Bur- gess, continuing the line of survey up the Chota and Huaca Valleys; the writer, with Section 1, marching ahead to explore a pass over the Nudo de Huaca and to proceed thence northward.

The duplication of our instrumental outfit and the happy accession to our force of Mr. Dion Martinez, who was skilled in topogra- phical work, enabled us to adopt this scheme for expediting progress at the cost of a few additional peons only. The march of Section 1 led northeastward from the bridge of Chota up a long spur, ascending 6, feet 1, meters to high moorland, called paramo in the Spanish, and descended thence 2, feet meters into Huaca Valley, over the worst laid trail, belike, in Ecuador.

Conrady's face, that if it had to be ugly at all it was best ugly all over. On top of these ancestral shafts, eight to twelve feet high 2. We never saw the plant elsewhere. We set our first stake for the Nudo de Huaca survey, July 29th, and two days thereafter brought the line to camp on the plain near Tulcan.

The landlord called to welcome us to free pasture. The Governor of the Province of Carchi also sent his compliments and offers of service. Thus the hospitality of Ecuador attended solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly to the border. It overlooks on three sides a very beautiful, fertile and well cultivated valley tract with a horizon bound of volcanic mountains, dominated northwestward by the snowy top of Cumbal, another ancient sky-piercer marked with the family traits; the broad based, gently inclined, firm set cone, and cloudy summit gleaming intensely white when momentarily revealed by a slant of warm wind.

Five miles 8 kiloms. Wonderfully is this land traversed by cattle paths and Indian paths. To the stranger it appears to be ill-provided with highways.

The solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly trails, called roads, can hardly be so nominated without sin. In all South America, so far as eyesight and hearsay have borne witness to the writer, where anything falls dead or is castaway, there it lies; horse, ox, goat, mule, sheep, tree, rock.

When possible the wayfarer goes around it. If a mule can step over the fallen tree, he steps over till it rots. If too thick for that, it is either blocked out so that he can step over, or thorough cut and hand- spiked asunder that he may jog through the opening; provided always that it be impracticable to go around.

Ground in these comarcas must be steep indeed to be reckoned impracticable for detour. Yet mule carriage is well adapted to the country, at its present stage of progress as a whole, and the arrieros are singularly well accomplished in their art. The trails, though solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly, connect all the important centers of population.

They are supplemented by bridle paths, and by foot paths, known only to natives, which bring the tenants of every solitary cabin into the circulation of the social body. Many of them no doubt existed in Inca times. We see the Indian women here, like those in the southern provinces, always busy, both on the road and at home; always plying solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly something useful. Many of them well featured; most of them well formed and graceful in action.

Great numbers of bright, black-eyed, Jap-looking little children. As soon as they can toddle they are clad like the elders. A boy three years old is the reduced image of his daddy, hat, poncho and all, and plays at carrying a pack on his back, the little wretch. Saw a six-cornered kite to-day with a happy child at the end of the string. The children are very pretty all over Ecuador.

But where in the world are those little innocents not pretty? They are the true conservers and civilizers.

solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly

There is no such another lovely and pathetic object on this earth as a little child. It makes our hearts rue to look into their candid eyes.

No more of them are ugly or morose in aspect than are men and women generally. They defer to the white man; they enact a ceremonial politeness, like that of a 'foremast hand to the cap- tain of a ship.

They are otherwise suspicious and reserved towards him. Amongst themselves they seem freer, franker, more social and mutually helpful than we are; very much more. It is a marked trait in them; and so is their hospitality — manifest even to transient observers. Responsive, too, to genu- ine good will, they cast reserve as the fabled traveler his cloak. They are quick to learn, handicrafts especially, both men and women.

They are said to pilfer like all other subject tribes. We have had no decisive experience yet of that vice. Perhaps the astonishing irrigation works of this country have already been remarked. They attest an old civilization — or barbarism on the verge of civiliza- tion, with enforced labor at its base — before the Spanish invasion. He is, as a rule, kept in debt and therefore, effectively, in bondage.

solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly

For although by law debt cannot hinder him from changing masters, the legal formalities are such as to make it practically impossible, in most cases, to change a master for freedom. This kind of servitude does not seem to gall him. Age-long habit has confirmed him to it. His staple food is parched corn and dried pork, the latter in hard nuggets like seasoned wood.

An alternative staple is potato soup with a relish of pork in it. A rich nutritious bean and barley bread vary the diet in some localities. These Indians are the strength of the nation; certainly its physical strength. Education only is needed to train their character from that of an orderly, peaceable subject race to that of a shrewd, industrious, self-governing people, wielders of masterful public opinion, a conservative barrier against lawless ambition.

As elsewhere the world over, in this adolescent stage of mankind, the cunning, the strong in self-serving faculty, exploiter the simple, the strong in mere brute strength and endurance. Here too the stage is transitional, not permanent.

Full Text Available A decomposição das plantas de cobertura de inverno, depositadas allowed us to estimate the overall height of entry barriers to suburban solo practice. . Technical studies carried out forecast an important growth of nuclear capacity Sustainable agricultural practices for Mediterranean olive grove. -style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: %; text-decoration: none;" Weather conditions make the Recôncavo Region in the State of Bahia, leaves per quadrant, four quadrants per tree, and 30 trees per grove, in ten groves. e dados do radar SRTM na escala (Bacia hidrográfica e na escala.

The world of Galileo moves both physically and morally. Let us look to our own. The good people of these lands see wherein they err and whereof they lack better than any alien can. By evolution, in due time, not revolution, will justice be exalted in the State and wrong righted in the Commonwealth.

Things now obviously extant are the seeds of those things to be. Like child bearing, the process cannot be hastened, least of all by meddling ousiders, without violence to Nature. It is impossible to force souls. If tribulation be the school of saints, for nations as well as for individuals, then should these children of the South take precedence of us all one day as having come up out of greater affliction.

Meanwhile, from those more blest, they should have, not upraiding, but sympathy and good cheer. Camp 14, near Poxosf, August 14th, We crossed the frontier between Ecuador and Colombia, August 6th,and pitched camp near Ipiales in the latter country. Before leaving Ecuador the Prefect of Obando, which is the southern Province of Cauca, sent his card to us and placed himself at our orders.

Soon after arriving in the vicinity of Ipiales we were visited by a committee of citizens, namely: Bricefio Coral and D. Ulpiano La Rotta, appointed by the Prefect to salute us in the name of the Local Government and of the Nation, and tq supply all our wants. We were unexpectedly detained to a plain luncheon prepared for us by himself and about 60 representative citizens of Ipiales, which gave occasion for an exchange of fraternal sentiments. The whole company escorted us on foot to our camp, a short Sabbath day's journey from the city, the Prefect and your correspondent at the van, a brass band behind in full blast, with thundering drums, and a goodly portion of the inhabitants of Ipiales not only crowding flanks and rear but advanced in two lines before us as the horns of a bull precede his head.

This was Sunday P. Pine doings for the child of a Scotch-Irish mother. On Monday, at the earnest solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly of the Prefect and leading citizens, the day was given to a partial reconnoissance of the valleys of the Carchi and Sapuyes, having in view an alternative to the line then in hand down Guaitara Valley. The main difficulties on the line favored by those gentlemen are a foot meter summit one third of the way out and the crossing of Guditara River about 30 miles 48 kiloms.

To follow the main water seemed to be Nature's indication, although cumbered with local obstacles. But seeing that the wishes and judgment of those resident gentlemen were in opposition, it was decided to try the ground. Burgess will accordingly make the examination incidentally to his march northward after completing the survey up Huaca Valley. It has appeared to the writer that these Tcnots of the Andes and the interme- diate basins challenge more exact study and warrant the expenditure of more time than will be necessary or expedient after reaching the Cauca Valley.

The Com- mission should not feel discouraged, therefore, at what may seem slow progress. We do our best; but the best is necessarily slow. The chief cause of it is hin- drance to direct going, afoot or astride. The fences, so to call them, are numer- ous.

Add to them the irrigation channels. Both are in the form of ditch and mound, six, eight, ten feet deep 2 to 3 metersthe sides of the excavation inclined 70 degrees from the horizontal, the mound crested with a close hedge of cactus, maguey or another thorny shrub, name unknown, nearly always necessitating a search for passage, sometimes a considerable walk. So with ravines, which are passable only by Indian paths, frequently at the cost of wearisome circuits.

Ordinary irregularities of ground blow the stranger to an extraordinary degree in this thin atmosphere. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly may be pleased to learn what organization and method we have disci- plined to up to date. One Indian to carry instrument to and from field, and the empty box in the field; to serve as pathfinder; to help over diflScult places.

One Indian with mattock to mound up the ground at stakes; carries a graduated pole for occasional observations. One Indian stakeman provided with machete and hatchet. One Indian rodman to carry stadia. One assistant for intermediate barometric heights. One or two Indian boys with field party to take care of horses. One helper and one Indian; solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly last a water-carrier, errand-runner and general dog-pelter. Five horses and seven mules, for transportation of men and baggage.

One head arriero and two helpers to attend to pitching, striking and trans- portation of camp and care of animals. Little remains of the provisions brought from home. But canned goods are largely used here and we can replenish our stock at need in the greater towns. Stationery and sparable extras of all kinds are shipped by pack trains on established routes, from one considerable town to another, at an expense much more moderate than we should be put to by taking them with us.

We have had to buy wood and pasture or forage during the greater i art of our journey hither from Quito. We are not yet able to report actual outlay. The expense of the joint camp, i. While the work is very interesting in this tremendous and diversified country, it is certainly laborious; the days long, the nights short, and fare of the plainest.

Little fruit hereaway; potatoes and beans the only vegetables. If the nature of the animal entered into that of the eater, we should by this time utter some night- mare outcry 'twixt a grunt, a baa and a crow.

On the other hand it is a perfect climate for field work. We did not lose an hour to foul weather from the start until this week. Cool air and warm sunshine by day, cold at night — half an inch of ice at camp near Tulcan, elevation 9, feet 2, meters above tide — and the country open.

Latterly rain squalls have blown over the eastern cordillera and interrupted progress. We have developed a stadia which some one of the other parties may wish to reproduce; a straight stalk of the maguey, three inches at the butt; flat rectangu- lar bags of coarse cotton, seven by twelve inches with ribbon of tin one and one half inches wide enclosed at each end, tacked to rod at one-foot intervals, except the fifth, tenth and fifteenth feet, which are marked by tin plates, oval in shape and painted bright red.

We used the tin box in which our transits were packed. This rod is serviceable for a 3,foot sight, with such intermediates as may be wanted, and is plainly legible in the lucid Andine air at that distance. The cafLon deepens to some extent with the advance of the river. The whole drainage system has worn down simultaneously, like Dr. Franklin's rag in snow, so that each affluent has an approach cafLon to the main water. The geology of the valley resembles that of the southern basin previously described.

Pumice sand, compacted by pressure and cemented by infiltration, is here quarried as a building stone. Gray clays and shales simulate vertical bed- ding at times; due to side squeeze probably; perhaps to a slow crystalizing tendency. The valley adjacent to the ravine, on both sides, is a well settled and well cultivated upland so far; moderately undulating.

The line of survey, therefore, is within the ravine, which rises on either hand above the cafLon in a long slope, broken by benches indicative of alternating hard and soft strata; and the line is so laid, when practicable without serious delay, as to approximate the ground of a future location. The Colombian Creole, or aristocrat, appears to diflfer in no respect from him of Ecuador; partly, perhaps, because cultivated gentlemen are outwardly alike the world over, partly because we are unable to perceive nice distinctions which would be evident to themselves.

The Cholo seems a little more intrusive and assertive than his southern brother. The Indian is more inquisitive and less submissive. But a broad likeness marks them all. Traits of the countryside may be sketched briefly, as follows: Wide expanse of valley cultivation, divided by hedgerows into small fields. Whitewashed cabin for every 20 or 30 acres, to rim of visible horizon in some places. Saw no white cabins in Ecuador. Streams coflfee-colored but transparent; bouldery beds. Trachytic boulders a feature of the surface from Quito hither.

Exasperating zigzag trails, full of needless ramps and pitches. Load unlashed and dragged across by hand; as a slip overboard, likely to happen, would carry the beasts down. Indians carrying maguey blades for fibre. Others twisting ropes, plaiting mats, sacks, nose-bags; assembling roof frames with lashing vines; plowing declivities to the very edge of precipice, slower than freighted canal boat, than boy going to school.

Plows date back to Pharaoh Rameses; all wood, long pole, one handle, share like small anchor fluke that scratches but does not turn a furrow. Yokes without bows, lashed to horns. Grain thrashed on earth floor by six or eight horses abreast; round and round as in bark mill. Men winnowing; women skimming oflf winnowed grain from the heap with paddles. Horsemen in big white grass hats, dark ponchos red lined, flapped over shoulders to display the color, cowhide or sheep- skin overall trousers, legs separate, united only by the waist band, dressed with hair or wool on, wide at bottom — at foot, that is to say, like sailor's trousers.

Bony, heady, arch-back, shanky pigs; round and fat pigs; all black, sleeping in the sunshine or in pumice lairs hollowed out of scarps at roadside. Cattle with forefeet hoppled to prevent straying. Sheep, goats, dogs — a scavenger breed — seldom taste meat. Mattock hoes used in agriculture, and heavy iron bars, one end pointed, 'tother in form of small spade. No poison shrubs or vines that we have seen.

Pleas, gnats and lice galore. Bean fields, barley fields, fields of excellent com; stalks 10 or 12 feet high, two solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly thick blunt ears to stalk. Smaller variety of corn has a. Log and thorny brush a frequent substitute except on country seats of the rich and hacienda entrances, where the gateways are ornamental covered ways in brick or stone. Hawks and vultures, graceful soarers, beautiful on the wing. Flowers gorgeous, of exquisite dyes and very abundant.

Fields of alfalfa, cultivated in tussocks, well lined two to two and a half feet asunder. Reaping done with sickle. Indian garden plots on frightful shelves, and steeps of 60 degrees pitch; in deep chasms by the brookside and at heights inaccessible except to goats, birds and struggling poverty.

Paths like ruined flights of stairs, at the garret-ladder pitch; require bare feet, strong lungs, sinewy arms and legs, ''hand-holts and toe-holts," as we used to say in our glorious boyhood. Cabins, wattle-and-daub, thatch roofs, earthen floors, no win- dows or window openings.

Ridge cap projects over gable slopes forming a smoke channel open at both ends; overhang excludes driving rain. Doors are shut at night only or in absence of family. Cavernous interiors; used only as lairs, weather fenders, and cooking dens. No chairs or tables. Low stools of timber, blocked out on under side to leave two ledge feet crosswise at ends, and concave lengthwise on top.

The first stage of advance from hunkers, and the flat squat, which prevail here as solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly rule. The Indian is habitually a squatter.

Home uten- sils—dugout troughs, shallow or deep, short or long, calabashes big and little, red pottery in beautiful forms, stereotypes of the ancients. The machete, with stifE blade and horn handle, resembling a Roman sword, in every man's hand or girdle. Lava hand mills; saucered nether-stone; upper stone like head of railroad spike-maul, wielded as our mothers used to wield a like utensil to crush loaf sugar.

Women milling meal; calabash of water at hand to sprinkle the grain; the product shoved now and then over the front edge of nether-stone into another calabash. Hearth of three round-top stones to support a round- bottomed vessel of pottery.

The women notable housewives, admirable for industry; forever washing solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly, spinning, cooking, milking, weaving, embroid- ering, milling, spanking, lousing — always at some practical work. They have a stately stride on their native hills. On the road, bearing burdens, they move with a short gliding step, a smooth half lope. But free, over the level turf, up or down craggy paths, across tree-trunk bridges or stepping-stone torrents, there's such grace and strength in all their action that you shall not turn away from the sight of it for any other beauteous piece of nature whatsoever.

Dress of men, dark poncho, shirt, trousers and straw hat; of women, mantle, chemise, petticoat and grass hat. Undress the same less hat, poncho, shirt and mantle. Gay massed colors the favorite wear on holidays. Our successive camps in a populated region gave occasion for local holidays. It is mighty pleasant to see them in gossiping clusters, seated on the grass, all chatty and merry, all talking at once like their universal sisters.

A peculiar civility obtains in their social reunions, unknown amongst our- selves, except in seclusion, by catches 'twixt mother and child. Women, as they should, rule the household; cotbetties are unknown. They work abroad too. Often we find only little children in the cabin, both parents busy afield. The Indians are eminently social and domestic. Long usage has so distributed tasks that the husband cannot well be spared from home. The rich feel of pay day or a message from the dame takes them oflf.

Amongst the governing class, as well as the governed, domestic comfort, in our sense of the term, is unknown in all tropical countries; but it is quite possi- ble, even in our sense, throughout the high Andine valleys, with their equable, temperate climate.

The rainy season itself, now approaching, is not all rain. A downfall at night and a daily shower perhaps, with a clear sky before and after, would fitly describe it; although, now and then, there are several rainy days in succession. This is an outdoor people. They are unacquainted with the fireside and the front porch, two potent institutions of the North. They have, instead, the back porch and the plaza. Nevertheless their own kind of comfort is as solid for them as ours is for us.

They solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly polite, hospitable, enthusiastic. What a cordial reception have we had everywhere, from the time of our landing at Guayaquil; and what helpful attentions both from the authorities and from private citizens I It would be a great mistake to judge them lacking in practical talent. They inherit a vein of good sense from the Roman legionaries and the old heroic Spanish race that withstood them. They will meet any honorable treator half-way — more than half-way.

But in trade fence, with suspicion alert, in mat- ters they are conversant about, the shrewdest antagonist may find his match with- out seeking. In every community here there is an elect band of good and wise men, studious of better things, in travail of their country, aspiring for a state which shall, indeed and in truth, be "broad, based upon the people's will," whose influence must needs by degrees make itself felt to purpose and to whom all lovers of mankind should give Godspeed, Religion in these countries is the Roman Catholic Apostolic, exactly adapted to the genius of the race.

It is a deplorable fact that the few who reject it do not exchange for other forms of belief, but appear to drop right down into the gloomy pit of materialism. That noble Faith, which images itself to us as a grave Madonna, with a baby face peering over her shoulder, leading Archbishop Penelon by one hand and a newly inspired savage by the other, has yet before her a long career of blessing. She is the mother of us all in a sense, widely though creeds may differ.

God prosper her goodly work, her devout priesthood, her pious children! Camp 29, neab Pasto, October 3d, Counting northward, the Patfa and the Cauca are the last of those six primary basins formed by cross ridges in the long trough of the Andes.

The Guaitara River drains a secondary basin of very intricate mould at the southern end of the Patia primary. It resembles in outline plan the map of Ireland, being an irregu- lar, oblique parallelogram 46 miles long 72 kiloms.

Even the massy western cordillera had to yield, riven to its base by the gorge of Patia. Hence Guditara River, reinforced by affluent streams, enters the interior basin about midway of the southern rim, and coursing northward traverses the north- eastern subcompartments of the Angasmayo, Tell6s and Guapuscal. The Sapuyes, its largest tributary, in like manner cleaves the western rim to a junction with the Guditara, and the united waters cut through triple border heights to the Patia, about 13 miles 21 kiloms.

The separate subreservoir of Pasto drains northward into the Juanambu through a deep chasm in the ridge of Morasurco, lying north of the city, between the volcanoes La Galera and Bordoncillo. The ancient lake beds approximated an elevation of 10, feet say 3, meters above the sea. Large tracts of them in the form of upland plain, like shore ice, still exist around the primeval margins.

They are tlie pastas, or pas- tures, of the Guditara secondary. They decline usually at a less rate than the main channels of drainage. SO in the correlative river systems, in her continents, nook-shotten seaboards, trees, animals, leaves, frost figures and snowflakes, light, gravitation — probably, too, in the other ethereal forces of which we have not yet any adequate theory.

Viewed in plan, these worn shores resemble leaves. Like them they are pinnately lobed, cleft, parted and divided in infinite variety. Approaching the axial waters, they descend in vast steps or long slopes which are cultivated or grazed wherever the conditions permit. The volcano La Galera, which dominates Pasto subbasin, is a truncated, low cone; that is to say a cone having very moderate slopes, girt with gently inclined grassy plains for the most part.

It rises 15, feet 4, meters above the sea and has a circuit at its base of about 60 miles 96 kiloms. Two thirds of its drainage flows into the Gu6itara. It was solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly the arms and legs of this sleeping Gulliver that we essayed to pass the first cord.

The giant was pretty hard climbing in some parts. Beginning at his foot, near Puerr6s, the line was carried down the right flank of Guditara to the Tell6s; thence, from an elevation of 6, feet 1, meters above the sea, it ascended, with occasional slacks in gradient, by way of the Guapuscal and Chim- batangua to the vicinity of Tangua Village, turned southward there, across the river last named, and doubled into the valley of the Yaruqul, where another return was made, followed by a final one north to the great pastures near the village of Yacuanquer, 9, feet 3, meters above the sea.

Thence it won upward along the face of the ridge bounding Pasto subbasin and topped its rim — the neck of the monster, heretofore not located by Liliputians — at a saddle 10, feet 3, meters above the sea, which, in right of discovery, was named La Cima de Santa Gertrudis, in good Catholic Spanish, to the great acceptance of the country- side.

Prom Gertrude Summit the descent was made without special difficulty to Pasto, 8, feet 2, meters above the sea, It may suffice to say, without particulars, that we are welcomed and offered service everywhere by Alcaldes of towns and Prefects of Provinces. These gentlemen created subcommittees charged with various details of hospitality, to whom had we yielded we must have been luxuri- ously undone.

The Prefect and principal committee escorted us from camp to the city, September 20th, and took us a tour of inspection, including a complete steam flouring mill and a wood working establishment, equipped with the best modern machinery, under the direction of Sefior Espriella.

Pasto was perhaps the most secluded of all the inland towns we have visited; yet here only have we heard the familiar steam whistle.

After these visits we were taken to a tastefully spread breakfast, chiefly North American dishes, at the elegant residence of Sefior Don Adolf o Guerrero, which was kindly thrown open for the occasion; the table 12 feet by 40, richly embellished; an allegorical portrait of Bolfvar liberating five re- publics and battle pictures of our own Revolutionary War on the walls, the national flags embracing in the midst, and a band of music in the adjacent room.

Cur- rently with the feast, exchanges of fraternal good fellowship took place, and a printed broadside of welcome, signed by all the newspapers of the city, was dis- tributed. The inhabitants generally made holiday. In the evening the working- men sent up an illuminated balloon, prepared by subscription amongst themselves, in honor of the Comision Exploradora.

This was a unique solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly significant event, indicative that populace began to be people. Please find enclosed some souvenirs of this pleasing entertainment.

We are grateful debtors to the com- munity of Pasto. Benavides, Prefect of Tuquerres, who sent a special messenger with greet- ing to Section 1 and, associated with representative citizens of the Provincial Capital, gave Section 2 welcome and service in their transit through that region. We have approximated, both sections together, miles kiloms.

It is believed that you may safely count on 1, miles 1, kiloms. We are backset occasionally by desertion of labor just when well edncated to the service! At Pasto the underling cook force ran away, not without plunder; and the other evening half of our field men left us, appalled by the looks of this wild north country and by tales of snakes, tigers and fevers.

Such casualties lose us a day now and then. These last enabled me, without voluntary use of otherwise good time, to explore the field a little in advance, as no published maps, helpful to engineers, seemed to exist. We are all in robust health and seasoned to the work, which is, in no point of liketiess, holiday pastime. It puts us to sleep every night by 9 o'clock; and we are early risers. The necessities of water and pasture have prevented camp from closely accompanying the survey and imposed some loss of time in going and com- ing over devious trails.

On the Cauca our net days should be larger and the hourly advance more rapid besides. Having gotten prosperously into Pasto, it troubles us a good deal how to get out of it. The next stage of our survey, crossing the profound valleys of the Juanambti and Mayo, divided by a lofty cordillera, to the valley of the Patfa, lies heavy on us.

North of Pasto the basin in which the city lies is bounded by a high ridge called Morasurco, formerly connected with La Galera, now sundered by the chasm of Pasto River. The whole country north of that bounding ridge tumbles down 6, to 8, feet 1, to 2, meters within 12 miles 19 kiloms. Three days were spent in exploration, foot and horse, for a right start.

We are advanced eight miles from the city on a venture, of which we hope to give a good account. Doubtless the path, now obscure and dif- ficult, will open and enlighten as we advance.

Certainly the only way to make it open is to go ahead. To-day, for example, began clear, the stupendous bulk of La Galera westward under a sky without spot except the towering white cloud from its craterflat calm, a bright dawn; every outward token of a goodly day. Thenceforward shadows and sunshine by turns. With cloud overhead, cold weather, overcoat comfortable, and camp fire a genial neighbor.

Between clouds the equatorial sun wilting hot. It does not heat the air. The ground is its beach. A whelming, smoth- ering gush of heat. Cloud again, cold weather again, almost instantaneous. In the afternoon, chilling showers.

Good ears hear them on the leaves of a hillside forest half a mile oflf. They say the Desert of Sahara, torrid by day, is cold at night, owing to quick and free radiation into dry air. Changes of temi erature equally great occur here withont any graduated interval. About four in the after- noon it begins to lighten up and we usually have a fair evening like this.

Scat- tered flocculent clouds, oceans and gulfs of sky, level purple bars, red edged, against the sunset solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly, glorified islands, capes, promontories and curving strands. It almost reaches the snow line. The old white caps fur- ther south, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Antisana, Cayambe and the rest, rise higher.

They are beautiful and grand. But we have been closer neighbors to La Galera. Girded with homes and harvests, she seems half civilized in contrast with those haughty savages. Imbabura is the likest to her of all we have seen. In the geology of this Guditara tract, clays, shales and clayey conglomerates prevail.

There is a bed of granitoid trachyte exposed in the deep channel of the river near its exit from the basin, and trachytic fragments are strewn over the surface. The clays, pale yellow and red, chalky in texture; they weather along the cafion in needle clusters like thawing ice. They would class as loose rock and work easily in fair weather, being mainly friable, not tough. The shock of explo- sives would crumble them down in large volume.

The river below Potosi is less sinuous than on its upper reaches, quick with life, boulder bedded, foaming and sparkling and swiftits swerves of easy flexure. Alternating bluflfs and benches make comparatively light railroad work.

The larger tributaries were still stained brown by rusty vegetable matter; the brooks clear, with pebbled beds. The land is cultivated in small inclosures of one to flve acres in many parts, said to be held by the natives in severalty. It was highly pleasing to note this change. It shows the bouyant property of man when violence, that held him under water is relaxed. Good peo- pie may possibly err in the doctrine of human depravity.

Mechanical nature tends to degradation; that is its law of beauty and service. But life everywhere aspires. Its straight drag down invites upward growth. Men, like trees, tend thus, by very life, to rise balanced and to rise toward the light.

There is something awful, and even daunting, in the magnitude of things here. To the eye of intellect they are inconsiderable. The whole mass of the Andes, truly proportioned on a globe eight feet in diameter, would appear as a slender wrinkle one twenty -fifth part of an inch high.

But to the mind embodied in tender flesh and brittle bone these unaccustomed heights and depths are some- times terrific. They cost us aching fatigue; up, down and sideways, they do indeed seem everlasting hills.

In a frosty climate the topography would have assumed softer contours. Exposed, as it is here, only to downfalling rain and undercutting torrents, we have the cafions solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly the plunging or benched declivities. Thepastos abutting on La Galera, where we saw them, southward, are long peninsular plains radia- ting from the truncated crater cone, expanding on the descent and gently sloping at an inclination of not more than two degrees from the horizontal on their lower portions, for several miles, before pitching down into the greater ravines.

The slopes have a declivity of eight or ten degrees within the Pasto subbasin. The volcano has been detonating and smoking ever since we caught sight of it. Near hand it is heard to roar continuously like surf. There is a plateau at Telles junction, feet 46 meters above water, which would make a good town site when the railroad comes. It should be called " Porphyry," from a rocky cone, feet high or thereby metersmarking the locality. One native cabin is there at present; a small plaintain orchard and the grassy plain.

Water for all uses could be brought in from the Tell6s. With the necessary bridges and highways it should become a center of life and industry for that region. Forest trees on low ground are hung with " Spanish moss," common in Louisiana and other Southern States.

Else- where the whole wood, creepers, climbers and all are sometimes covered with yellow-brown moss, close fitting, like deer's horns in the velvet stage. Those be melancholy woods. There is timber enough for railroad uses. The blackberry and morning-glory have accompanied us from the outset.

A plant very much like our laurel in its general expression, a variety of melastoma, the Doctor says, is quite abundant. Maize, sugar-cane, cactus, maguey, orange and lemon ascend 1, or 2, feet higher meters.

Hollyhocks flourish in the native garden plots near Pasto. A tree fern grows to heights above sea of 8, feet 2, meters. It has a dragon- scale bark and hollow stem; is used for crosses at wayside graves and praying spots. We met several immense flights of grasshoppers in this basin, thick in the air as snowflakes, and browning the ground where they settled. Natives were out with waving blankets and ponchos to hasten their passage. We saw no wild ani- mals or reptiles.

Pew birds except the condor, eagle and buzzard. There were orioles and pheasants in the low valleys and many swallows near Pasto. No lack of gnats and fleas. At this camp we have a large, green, hard-shelled, whizzing bug; can feel the wind of him every circuit he makes; horny legs; dashes into face, beard and hair and wriggles to free himself.

Extinguishes candle and passes unscathed. A few lower level insects are wafted hither by stormy solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly or lured by sunshine, 9, feet 2, meters above the sea.

For centuries cattle have been solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly these hills. You shall see across the valley a grassy slope, 2, feet high, like velvet under the slant sunshine, tawny shot with green, wholly covered with a fine-meshed net of their paths, which are a little paler in tint than the ground color.

Their inclination solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly the horizontal is about five degrees, so that the threads of the net cross one another at an angle of eight or ten degrees. This should be a hint for native road-makers. But their trails appear to be located to a standard of 15 or 18 degrees, with exigency pitches of 26 or 30 degrees. Wheat harvest was in progress during our survey of Guditara Basin.

The grain is planted in hillocks, grows five and one half to six feet high, a very stiflf straw. The harvester clutches a stool, cuts it obliquely with a sickle and lays it by.

The wisps are collected and bound in sheaves by the women. Stubble is left a foot high. The sheaves are toted to the threshing fioor, in back-loads; the grain trampled out by horses and winnowed in the wind.

Bruised straw from the threshing floor is mixed with black mud, tempered by the trampling of oxen, which mixture they use in house- building.

Methods and implements differ from ours; but, so far as observed, field and garden look as well as at home and appear to yield as well. Large haciendas solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly these countries resemble our country iron-furnace proper- ties in being self-sufficient for all needs. The little community in each case has its mechanics, laborers, manager, doctor, field, forest and cattle range.

Roofing tile, pottery and brick works, are added here. As we advance the Indians' fortunes seem to improve. They begin to own the soil they till. All have chickens, pigs and dogs; many of them cattle, sheep and goats; some of them horses, mules or donkeys. Boys are seen with poncho as sole garment up to eight or ten years of age. Sometimes sugar is solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly beforehand. In the former case it is milky white; in the latter, brownish. It has a mild acid taste and little fiavor.

A variety served to us by General Guerrero, near Pasto, was richly fiavored and popped like champagne. It is the staple Indian beverage, refreshing, though not inviting to the eye. Perhaps a keg of it might fiuster a child two years old, supposing he had capacity for that volume.

It is very cheap. Ten cents' worth will satisfy six thirsty men and a good deal is given to wayfarers freely. The native wax candle is a brownish yellow shaft, tapering upward, with a spiral vein like a steep pitch screw thread around it and a wick half as thick as the candle itself. It wanes and rapidly requires frequent snuffing.

The snuffs come off glowing like cigar stubs. A dim, sad light — twilight rather. Camp is the marvel of the countryside, to all complexions. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly have known six of them, hearty men and mature, to stand moveless and speechless for hours together, just staring at camp of a Sunday; single starers day-long, imperturbable, indefatigable, insatiable.

We have found a greater to think of; outvied as a monitor of patience only by those sitting Pharaohs carved from Egyptian rock; with their hands on their knees, staring century long into the blank desert. While exploring the sources of Buesaquillo River, east of Pasto, we met gangs Qf Amazon Indians coming up from the wilderness to market. Their sole garment was a short-sleeved cotton tunic, belted at the waist, hanging to the knee on women, to half thigh on men. Bare headed, bare footed, bare armed in effect.

Carried back-burdens, strap around forehead. Men bore straight staves of royal palm, six feet long and upwards. They had gold dust and grain gold.

Women wore bead necklaces and amulets of snake skin; endless, as if the snake were cut up like a bologna sausage and the rings of skin dried for ornament or devil fending. They were pleasant in talk; are said to be very simple and honest in trade. The valley of the Juanambu lies nearly east and west.

It has a lenticular outline in plan. Both the northern and the southern mountain limits, viewed from above, are concave to the valley. They form another secondary basin, 50 miles long 80 kiloms. Our cursory studies about Pasto City revealed a small brook, about two and a half miles in length 4 kiloms. This presumption was justified in the event. We were thus enabled to avoid doubling ridges and ravines along three parallel affluents of the Juanambu; and, owing to a long bend southward on the upper course of that river, above their mouths, to approach it near Tablon, thereby largely reducing the necessary descent to a crossing.

The neighborhood of Tablon was judged beforehand, from general maps, to be a ruling objective whether, as then appeared likely, we should try the old Arenal Summit, the thoroughfare for generations between Juanambu and Mayo waters, or should find invitation up one of the streams from the great divide further east. The Vado, eastward, issuing at Tablon, was perceived to be a cafion water, equally unattractive, besides heading up, obliquely to our aim, on the slopes of the volcano Dofla Juana, without available counter-sloped watershed.

TheQuina, largest of all the tributaries in that quarter, seemed unquestionably to be the preferable route, and was found to be so, the summit as low as Arenal, sharp edged, and indicating a tunnel 2, feet long 0. We surveyed extensively about Tablon to provide a reserve of development against contingencies.

The upper valley, however, appeared to prescribe five miles of double power gradient, 5. Those who follow us should extend our exploration on both sides of Tablon, in order to test the propriety of this judgment.

The flanks of Quina Valley were shaly and slaty ; they were cut by drainage, but rounded down uniformly, with an increasing pitch toward the stream. North of the proposed tunnel, on the Mayo Slope, we traversed a region of crumbly clays and soft pumice rock very much weather-worn.

True contours there would lie in bights horizontally between thin-nosed spurs as a clothes-line sags vertically between its props. The concaves are fittable, as a rule, by our curvature; cuts through the noses, deep and short. The Mayo at our crossing, about six miles 9. At the end of 10 miles 16 kiloms. Seven miles additional 11 kiloms. We congratulate the Commission on the untying of another hard Andine knot, the last very difficult one in our way, we believe, this side of the crossing into Venezuela, whereof at present we have no precise knowledge.

El Alfa de Cronbach fue de 0, Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly regionalized figure scale RAD was developed. The objective was to validate the scale, evaluate the correlation between the visual acuity coefficients, verify the. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: O teste pareado de Wilcoxon verificou se havia diferença entre as duas aplicações. Social desirability can bias the parameters measured by self-report. The aims of this study were: The version was obtained through a process of translation and back translation.

A Wilcoxon matched pairs test verified if there was difference between the two applications. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the applications was calculated. The scores obtained solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly Pain evaluation in animals requires the use of evaluation scales, which depend on the interpretation made by observers. The present study aimed to evaluate the correlation between visual analog scale VAS, Melbourne pain scale and Von Frey filaments in the evaluation of post-operatory pain in fourty two healthy adult bitches submited to ovariohysterectomy.

Post-operatory pain was evaluated by two observers unaware of the analgesic protocol used, in one-hour intervals, using VAS, Melbourne pain scale and Von Frey filaments, applied around the surgical wound.

A score of 50mm in VAS or 13 points in the Melbourne pain scale were. Given a renewed interest on immigrants and cities, I examine the continuities and changes in the positioning and roles played by Portuguese migrants and their local and transnational practices against the repositioning of New Bedford, MA and Portugal in the global political economy. Instead of adopting the ethnic group as my unit of analysis, I centralize my attention on New Bedford and local level politics to explain the relations among globalization, city scale and migrants' incorporation.

By interrelating local and global processes, I show how the incorporation of these migrants in New Bedford is enmeshed with their simultaneous incorporation in Portugal and, by extension, in the European Union. From this perspective, I expose the apparent paradoxes that permeate the ongoing neo-liberal projects which are grounded upon the organization of flexible labor, restrictive immigration policies favoring. This study aimed to validate the Perception of Change Scale - Family Version, which evaluates the perception of family caregivers in regard to the treatment outcomes of psychiatric patients in mental health services.

The scale has 19 items rated in a three-point Likert scale that evaluate changes perceived in the patient's life as a result of treatment. The factorial analysis revealed a four-factor structure, with the following dimensions: In the internal consistency analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.

A escala foi aplicada em entrevistas individuais estruturadas. A escala apresentou estrutura fatorial de quatro fatores, avaliando mudanças nas seguintes dimensões: Se presenta un instrumento para medir la Autopercepción del Estado de Salud Familiar, desde una perspectiva enfermera. Este puede suponer un avance en el conocimiento científico, al facilitar la valoración del estado de salud de la unidad familiar, permitir detectar sus alteraciones, y facilitar las intervenciones para prevenir las consecuencias de estas sobre la propia unidad familiar y sus miembros.

Puede ser usado en la asistencia, investigación o docencia. Ela pode ser usado em pesquisa clínica de cuidados, ou de ensino. Os níveis de consistência interna dos outros dois fatores superaram índices apresentados por outras medidas de burnout.

In the first study, nurses and teachers answered the 77 items initial version of the ECB. In the second study, members of the police force answered the second 46 items version of the ECB. Factor analysis results showed the same three factors revealed in the first study: The items of the factor Personal Achievement found in the first study were included in the factor Disappointment in the Work.

The ECB's final version has 35 items. The factor Emotional Exhaustion had the greatest internal consistency.

The internal consistencies of the two other factors were greater. Foi realizado estudo descritivo no período de setembro e outubro decom idosos de idade igual ou acima de 60 anos. A descriptive study was conducted in September and Octoberwith individuals aged 60 years or more. The sample consisted of 55 elderly, who answered the 30 questions of the Scale of Geriatric Depression of Yesavage.

Analysis of variance of the prevalence of depression symptoms between both sexes was conducted. We recommend the creation of a new scale, simpler and easier to understand for patients with lower cognitive level.

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Ansiedade na performance musical: Estudos recentes apontam polimorfismos genéticos envolvidos na base do quadro de ans Porém, envolve também a comunidade solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly entorno da escola, a família, professores e todos aqueles que atuam no processo educacional desses sujeitos.

A amostra foi composta por 26 atletas profissionais e 41 atletas amadores de atletismo de diversas modalidades em fase de treinamento contínuo. An adequate nutrition is necessary to supply the energy demand required by exercise as much for active individuals and for athletes. However, much more than sports performance, the nutrition knowledge is essential for both populations for prevention of illnesses.

Many interventions centered in nutritional education have been lead with the intention to increase nutrition knowledge and. The conclusion is that the "Larga Escala Project" is a valid pedagogic proposal and it must be encouraged and amplified to all the national field.

Utilizaram-se juízes bilíngues, síntese das traduções, comitê de especialistas e backtranslation. Os participantes deste estudo foram 1.

Os fatores extraídos foram denominados Amabilidade, Pró-sociabilidade e Confiança nas pessoas.

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A consistência interna dessas escalas calculada por Alpha de Cronbach foi de 0,91; 0,84 e 0,80 respectivamente, e da escala geral 0, In this model, Agreeableness is comprised by traits that describe altruism, straightforwardness, trust in people, as well as coldness, antisocial behaviors, among others.

The participants were 1. Factor analyses were conducted to determine the EFS dimensions. A 3-factor solution was found to be more adequate. The factors found were named: Cordiality, Pro-sociability, and Trust in people. Internal consistency Cronbach's alphas for the factors were. Full Text Available Objetivo del estudio: La muestra para la validez de constructo y consistencia interna fue de enfermeras asistenciales y de para la reproducibilidad prueba-reprueba.

Se hallaron tres factores para ambas escalas. Se obtuvo un alfa de Cronbach de 0,92 para la Comunicación y 0,82 para la Coordinación; el coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0,79 para Comunicación y de 0,63 para Coordinación. Los factores hallados se mencionan en la literatura relacionada con aspectos de comunicación y coordinación.

Los valores de alfa de Cronbach fueron superiores a los encontrados por otros investigadores, los Coeficientes de Correlacion Intraclase fueron excelentes y buenos. Objective of the study: To evaluate the validity and reproducibility of the Communication and Coordination scales of the nurse-doctor ICU instrument designed by Shortell et al.


The sample for constituting. As escalas obtidas foram retrotraduzidas e revisadas de maneira independente. Os pacientes com câncer, entre 7 e 17 anos de idade, encontravam-se em acompanhamento no ambulatório ou na enfermaria de pediatria do Instituto Nacional de Câncer. The original scales in English were translated into Brazilian Portuguese.

Scales thus obtained were back translated and reviewed. Cross-cultural adaptation included the submission of the reviewed version of the scales to 12 experts to obtain data on comprehensibility. Escala de valores relativos ao trabalho: Foi objetivo do presente estudo desenvolver e validar uma Escala de Valores relativos ao Trabalho.

Para o desenvolvimento da EVT foi realizado um levantamento de instrumentos anteriores e foram entrevistados trabalhadores. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo teórico previsto e conclui-se que a escala foi devidamente estabelecida e pode ser utilizada para pesquisa e diagnóstico. En 23 trabajos seleccionados, 24 diferentes escalas fueron identificadas, siendo las principales: El uso de escalas para mensurar sobrecarga es una herramienta importante en el contexto donde se inserta el cuidador.

Por esto, la validación de escalas es importante para esta población. The objective of the study was to evaluate the available productions in literature about scales to measure the overload of caregivers of patients with stroke. It was carried out a bibliographical revision in three databases: In 23 works, 24 different scales were identified, and the most cited were: Para la evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se utilizaron en orden suce A Escala de Humor de Brunel Brums: A amostra foi composta por 34 atletas de futebol profissional, do gênero masculino, adolescentes e adultos.

The objective of this work is to present the scale translated into. El éxito del transplante cardíaco significa garantizar la sobrevida de los pacientes con cardiopatía y permitirles. O crescimento do setor de serviços verificado na economia de diversos países, aliado ao incremento de concorrência global e local, vem despertando o interesse das empresas para a qualidade de serviço como uma importante vantagem competitiva.

Social rhythm is a concept that correlates social Zeitgebers synchronizers with endogenous markers of time, and can be assessed with the Social Rhythm Metric SRM Impulsivity is associated with different psychiatric disorders.

The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 is one of the scales mostly used to measure impulsivity and it does not have a validated version for Brazilian Portuguese. The objective of this study is to adapt and conduct the construct validation of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 for adolescents. The scale was translated and adapted into Portuguese and then back-translated into English. The psychometric proprieties, factor analysis and construct validity were evaluated in two samples: The adolescent sample had a mean age of Intra-class correlation coefficient achieved a value of 0.

Factor analysis did not identify the 3 factors of the original scale. Even considering some limitations in the Portuguese version, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 can be used in male adolescents and should be tested in other populations.

A escala foi traduzida e adaptada para o português e retro-traduzida para o inglês. Foram avaliadas propriedades psicométricas, an. Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale is an instrument used to evaluate the severity of social phobia.

It has been widely used in different contexts and cultures, presenting variable psychometric properties. The objective of this article is to investigate the internal consistency and the factor structure of this scale. In a sample of alcoholic patients hospitalized in 3 mental clinics in Southern Brazil, 74 of them were social phobics The internal consistency was measured by Cronbach's alpha. Data were subjected to a factor analysis with the principal component method of parameter estimation.

Questionnaire items loading at 0. The coefficient of internal consistency was 0. All items showed corrected item-total correlation coefficient above 0. The factor analysis resulted in 5 dimensions which corresponded to The five factors extracted were: The scale proved to be reliable and structurally valid instrument for use in a population of alcoholic patients.

The possibility of screening for social phobia through the use of the instrument may be helpful in identifying probable cases of the disorder among alcoholics. Tem sido amplamente usada em diferentes contextos e culturas, apresentando propriedades psicométricas variadas. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha desarrollado una metodología en diferentes etapas, que incluye elaborar una escala con un grado de validez de contenido y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas por medio de diferentes métodos estadísticos paramétricos y no paramétricos.

Los resultados muestran una escala para medir la imagen de un destino turístico, compuesta por la percepción cognitiva, evaluación afectiva y por los beneficios funcionales, simbólicos y hedónicos. El estudio proporciona a los distintos grupos de interés información relevante acerca de los factores que componen la imagen y que son la base para lograr una mejor percepción del destino turístico. A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out. To study the quality of nursing care and design the scale, we performed a literature review that resulted in a preliminary instrument, composed of 90 items, divided into two dimensions to assess the quality of health care structure and process.

Expert analysis and semantic analysis were applied as techniques to study the content validity of the instrument. The findings indicate that the operational version of the EPEA was composed of 64 items, grouped into two dimensions: The EPEA is the first Brazilian measure constructed to assess the nurses' attitudes towards the factors that may predispose to the occurrence of adverse events in ICU.

Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, bajo enfoque cualitativo. Para estudiar la calidad del cuidado y preparación del instrumento, se realizó una revisión de la literatura, que resultó en un instrumento preliminar que contiene 90 ítems, divididos en dos dimensiones para evaluar la calidad del cuidado de salud estructura y proceso.

La EPEA es la primera medida nacional, construida para evaluar las actitudes de los enfermeros a los factores que pueden predisponer a la aparición de efectos adversos en la UTI. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva. ABSTRACTThe institutional evaluation instruments establishment, able to recognize the student perception, has its role of fundamental importance for the adequate educational services offer.

No entanto, por ser onerosa, demorada e de acesso restrito, outros métodos tem sido desenvolvidos. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly escala de Epworth pode distinguir os graus normais e severos sem, no entanto, determinar os graus moderado e leve. Today obstructive sleep apnea—hypopnea syndrome OSAHS is a public health issue, since it increases cardiovascular morbidity-mortality rate and the risk of car crashes.

Overnight polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosis and follow-up of affected patients. However, because the test is expensive, time-consuming and of difficult access, others methods have been proposed.

O estudo abrangeu participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 16 anos. Foram estudadas, também, a sua validade convergente, bem como a sua estabilidade temporal. Os instrumentos revelam valores moderados a elevados no nível da consistência interna e estruturas unidimensionais à semelhança das versões originais em língua inglesa. Estudos adicionais relativamente à estabilidade temporal desses instrumentos parecem ser pertinentes.

The aim of this study was to adapt and validate two brief scales in order to assess the subjective motivation for learning: The study involved participants, ages years old.

After an exploratory data analysis, the study involved the assessment of internal consistency, followed by an exploratory factor analysis of both scales. Convergent validity and temporal stability of the two scales were also tested, along with a differential analysis regarding gender and school level of the participants.

The instruments showed moderate to high levels of internal consistency and one-dimensional structures similar to their original versions in English. Several hypotheses concerning convergent validity were also supported by the study. Additional research seems to be recommendable to address temporal stability.

This article describes the adaptation of a rating scale of interpersonal psychotherapy problem areas to include a fifth problem area appropriate to bipolar disorder and an interrater agreement study in identifying interpersonal problem areas and selecting a primary treatment focus if patients were to engage in treatment.

Five research interpersonal psychotherapists assessed nine audiotapes of a single interview with five bipolar and four unipolar patients in which the interpersonal inventory and identification of problem areas were undertaken. Raters agreed on presence and absence of problem areas in seven tapes. Kappas for identification of problem areas were 1. Kappa for agreement on a primary clinical focus if patients were to engage in interpersonal psychotherapy treatment was 0.

The adaptation of the original scale to include an area pertinent to bipolar disorder proved to be applicable and relevant for use with this population. The results show substantial interrater agreement in identifying problem areas and potential treatment focus. Regional scale modeling of erosion related to land cover evolution: Full Text Available Accelerated soil erosion is, at present, one of the most widespread environmental problems in the world.

Geographic Information Systems GIS have become an essential tool in soil erosion studies and consequently in the development of appropriate soil conservation strategies. The objective of this paper was to assess the degree of soil erosion associated with land cover dynamics through GIS analysis and to validate the modeling with indicators of soil erosion.

It was verified that, although the predicted soil loss rate is normally small along the study area, such rate is significantly greater than the soil formation rate. This shows a non-sustainable situation of soil and land cover management. Positive parenting by parents of children up to three years of age: Full Text Available This study aimed to describe the development and validation of three multidimensional scales in which the same 30 items, distributed among five dimensions, measure parents' self-perceived confidence, difficulties and knowledge needs in the exercise of positive parenting during the first three years of the child's life.

The content of the scales resulted from the literature and exploratory studies and was validated solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly experts.

The analysis of its reliability and validity, using Pearson's correlations and Cronbach's alpha, was based on data from a questionnaire administered to a non-probabilistic sample of parents. El contenido de las escalas resultó de la literatura y de estudios de explotación y fue validado por expertos. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições.

However, the duration of developmental phases of this scale in degree-days is not available for Brazilian irrigated rice cultivars. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the thermal time of some developmental phases of the COUNCE scale in irrigated rice cultivars grown in Southern Brazil using.

This work had the aim to determinate the peel color scale intended to identify the ripening stage of the yellow passion fruit and evaluate its juice yield in different harvest seasons.

Hunter b parameter was used as the yellowing index. It was verified that the yellow color progressed from the base to the fruit peduncle. Fruits from the EP2 season presented the lowest juice yield and the highest peel thickness in the early.

Weather conditions make the Recôncavo Region in the State of Bahia, a favorable region to the occurrence of citrus greasy spot Mycosphaerella citri, a disease that hadn't been studied before in Brazil. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly, this research aimed to develop a sampling method to quantify its incidence, to characterize its symptoms, and to develop a diagrammatic scale for assessing disease severity. The minimum sample size to estimate greasy spot incidence in leaves 16 plants was calculated based on a prospective sampling of five leaves per quadrant, four quadrants per tree, and 30 trees per grove, in ten groves.

From mature leaves collected in. Escala Razões para Fumar Modificada. Para a escala como um todo, o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0, Escala sobre o clima para criatividade em sala de aula.

Full Text Available O propósito deste estudo foi construir e validar uma escala sobre o clima para criatividade em sala de aula. Os coeficientes de fidedignidade variaram de 0,55 a 0, Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de fincas de café administradas por Tropical El Salvador, durante el período - Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de fincas de café administradas por Tropical El Salvador, durante el periodo - Universidad de El Salvador.

Cuando el subsector café en El Salvador afrontaba una de sus peores crísis de la historia, generada por el desequilibrio estructural entre la oferta y la demanda mundial, Tropical Farm Management El Salvador S. Utilizou-se o método de medidas biofisiológicas em clientes de UTI.

El método de las medidas biofisiológicas en pacientes de UTI fue utilizado. La UP fué encontrada en 11 pacientes en una incidencia de Se ha concluydo que: The occurence risk of pressure ulcer PU by the patient is questioned as well as the validity of nursing care applying the Braden's scale to verify the evidences of this care in the incidence of the PU.

The method of biophysiologic measures in ICU patients was used. Patients with PU have lower scores than. O efluente consiste em óleo vegetal e fenol. Escala Razões para Fumar Modificada: To translate the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale MRSS to Portuguese, to submit it to cross-cultural adaptation for use in Brazil and to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the translated version.

A consensus version was produced by a multidisciplinary group. Por meio destas duas fases, as jornadas semanais de trabalho para motoristas e cobradores de ônibus podem ser construídas com custo mínimo. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the maximum weight Matching Algorithm can be applied to schedule the workdays of bus drivers and bus fare collectors.

This scheduling should be based on the best possible use of timetables in order to minimize the number of employees, overtime and. Oito sujeitos participaram da primeira parte do estudo e dez, da segunda parte. Recently, the reliability of the Brazilian version of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment FMA was assessed through the scoring given according to observations made by.

The present work was carried out in order to evaluate the performance of a lab scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor UASB treating liquid effluent from swine manure without solids separation.

The treatment system consisted of one acidification tank, which also equalized the substrate, an UASB reactor, and an aerated facultative pound. The system presented good stability and buffering conditions, and also a good solids digestibility, showing that the research criteria adopted was adequate, mainly those parameters referred to the HRT, Volumetric Organic Loading Rate VOLR and temperature.

Full Text Available Os primeiros levantamentos de solos do Brasil datam da década de 50 até meados dos anos 80, graças às expedições lideradas projeto RadamBrasil o que cominou na carta de solos do Brasil.

Relacionado a isso, perscrutar a certa dos mapeamentos de solos atuais do Brasil, e como estes, a depender da escalase apresentam de formas distintas. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o Full Text Available In the Camamu-Almada basin, marine fishery is exclusively small-scale, with several structural deficiencies such as boats with low or absent navigational technology, lack of credit and low income.

Local fishers complain that shrimp and lobster trawling fishing is the main factor responsible for low stock abundance, but they still persist in these activities as these two species command the highest market prices. So they feel that the target species are already over-fished.

We suggest that proper solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly action, alternative ways of income generation and the payment of job insurance would help to mitigate the problem. Solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly diseases show high incidence and prevalence in Brazil; however, participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation CR is limited and has been poorly investigated in the country.

Yield and chemical composition of essential oil of the chamomile [Chamomilla recutita L. The obtained data indicate that the chamomile essential oil extracted through the distiller model used presented low quality. Great part of the essential oil, besides their main components, it was being lost with the hidrolato. In the distillation process the periodic evaluation of quality and efficiency indicators is indispensable to establish appropriate operational conditions.

Os dados obtidos indicam que o óleo essencial da camomila extraído por meio do modelo de destilador utilizado apresentou qualidade aquém das expectativas. Grande parte do óleo essencial, inclusive seus principais componentes, estava sendo perdida junto ao hidrolato.

This study aimed to construct and validate a psychological measure called Family Unpredictability Scale in Childhood for the Brazilian population. The study included people: Procedures of content, face and construct validity were conducted. It was concluded that Family Unpredictability Scale in Childhood was validated to Brazilian population and that it can be used as an instrument to measure family unpredictability in childhood on the national scene.

Das avaliações disponíveis atualmente, a que possui melhor valor preditivo de danos neurológicos em bebês até os cinc Quanto aos possíveis fatores de interferência nessa melhora, foram constatados: Os outros fatores analisados como: Dois experimentos foram realizados, um com produto doce doce de leite em pasta e outro com produto salgado salgadinho sabor bacon.

Los resultados indicaron que, por lo general, los subtests presentaron niveles de consistencia interna aceptables, se. Para identificar esta característica de personalidad se han desarrollado diversos cuestionarios y escalas. Se analiza la fiabilidad y validez de cada una de las escalas. Los resultados indican que las escalas muestran unafiabilidad adecuada en la población universitaria peruana y se plantean algunas cuestiones sobre la unidimensionalidad delconstructo matutinidad.

Este trabalho foi proposto como uma alternativa para Avaliar o impacto na conduta e quantificar a reprodutibilidade interobservador do escore SINS. Além disso, determinar sua aplicabilidade em nosso meio.

Obtivemos concordância moderada interobservador com o uso do escore SINS. Evaluar el impacto en la conducta y cuantificar la reproducibilidad interobservador de la escala SINS. Se compiló una presentación de 20 casos de lesiones secundarias de la columna vertebral que fue examinada por 10 observadores.

Estos definieron la estabilidad de cada lesión y después de la presentación de la puntuación SINS, los mismos casos solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly presentados a los mismos observadores para que de nuevo determinasen la estabilidad de la lesión.

Obtuvimos concordancia moderada interobservador con el uso de la puntuación SINS. La puntuación es aplicable en nuestro medio. Hubo un cambio de opinión en cuanto a la estabilidad de la lesión después de la presentación de la puntuación a los observadores. To evaluate the impact on the management and quantify the inter-observer reproducibility of SINS Score.

Also, determine its applicability to our milieu. Um estudo de validade The baby alarm distress scale: Foram avaliados por esse instrumento 70 idosos, divididos em 2 grupos: Regular physical exercise by the aged may improve physical capacity, provide gains in self-esteem and confidence, and contribute to reducing the number of falls, which are common among the elderly. This study aimed at comparing fall risk between sedentary and active elderly subjects, by assessing how the regular practice of physical exercises is reflected by subjects' performance at the Berg balance scale.

The sedentary group mean score at the Berg scale was Após aproximadamente 30 minutos da primeira entrevista, os mesmos pacientes responderam apenas ao ADLS examinador 2. A amostra consistiu de 53 entrevistados, sendo a média de idade de To perform the translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the "Knee Outcome Survey - Activities of Daily Living Scale" ADLS into Portuguese, as well as to check its measurement, reproducibility and validity properties in order to make it useful as a specific instrument for solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly symptoms in Brazilian patients with knee injuries during their daily living activities.

Two interviews were performed; in the first interview, the questionnaire was applied along with Lysholm's, SF and VAS investigator 1. Approximately 30 minutes after the first interview, the same patients answered only the ADLS investigator 2. After a break of 7 to 10 days, a third additional interview with the ADLS was applied investigator 2. The sample was constituted of 53 subjects, with mean age of The Spearman's index used for inter.

Escala de afeto positivo e negativo para crianças: Os coeficientes Alpha obtidos para as subescalas de Afeto Positivo 0,88 e de Afeto Negativo 0,84 apontam evidências de confiabilidade. Such type of reactor is built inside a deep pool of purified and demineralized water, providing radiological protection still keeping the core accessible for maintenance and refueling. However, dissolved ions become activated in the pool water due to the core neutron flux, releasing radiation in the reactor room when the solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly elements reach the top.

Firstly we verified that EATV emphasizes the acquisition of health via physical aptitude: Secondly, we suggest a redirecting of EATV through the presentation of a theme proposal for the EFE which implies the transmission of other contents, aiming at creating critical thinking students on the issue of CCM consumption. Primero, constatamos que la EATV enfatiza la. The Brazilian version of the "Sports Activities Scale" questionnaire is an easily-manageable, reproducible and valid parameter for a specific evaluation of knee's symptoms and restraints during sports activities, in Brazilian patients.

Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0. Para tanto, utilizaram-se cogumelos A. Todos os tratamentos consistiram de 3 repetições cada. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the final colour of the fructification bodies of the mushroom Agaricus blazei submitted to ascorbic and citric acid treatment.

The mushroom Agaricus blazei was cultivated in an appropriated substrate and storage in incubators. The mushroom was harvested containing closed pileus and after cleaning with running tap water, solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly fruiting bodies were sliced and half of each were submitted to acid treatment and half was the control water immersion. The other parts of fruiting bodies were. Encontrando sentido no envelhecimento ativo.

A consistência interna encontrada foi de 0,94 alfa de Cronbach e a validade de constructo revelou muito bons indicadores. A consistência interna global dos 15 itens manteve-se elevada 0, Conclui-se que a EAASentido, com 15 itens, é bastante consistente e adequada para avaliar em que medida os seniores têm confiança na sua capacidade para se envolverem em atividades com.

A amostra foi composta por pacientes ambulatoriais e acompanhantes. Os resultados apontaram boa consistência interna e três dimensões para ambos os setores: A amostra se constituiu de trabalhadores que utilizam TICs. Os resultados evidenciam que o modelo teórico se ajustou satisfatoriamente aos dados. Todos os fatores apresentarma alfa de Cronbach superior a 0, Os resultados mostram que o RED-TIC oferece validade fatorial e consitência interna adequadas para avaliar o tecnoesstre em profissionais brasileiros.

Fadiga; Ansiedad; Descreencia; e, Ineficacia. La muestra se constituye de trabajadores que utilizan TIC. Resultados evidencian que El modelo teórico se ajustó satisfactoriamente a los datos. Fatigue; Anxiety; Disbelief, and Ineffectiveness. The sample consisted of workers who use ICT. Results show that the theoretical model fit the data satisfactorily: A ECEM é um instrumento que investiga as concepçôes educativas de pais e mâes sobre os construtos obediência, respeito, justiça e autonomia, pensados na relaçâo com seus filhos.

Participaram do estudo pais e mâes representativos das cinco regiôes do Brasil. A ECEM apresentou-se, portanto, como um instrumento de medida com características psicométricas adequadas. Em relaçâo aos instrumentos de medida de juízo e competência moral mais utilizados no Brasil, a ECEM apresenta a originalidade da possibilidade de investigaçâo das concepçôes morais dos participantes sobre os tipos de relaçôes sociais que se estabelecem no tocante aos construtos obediência, respeito, justiça e autonomia.

Confiabilidade de escalas de comprometimento neurológico em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral. Estudamos a confiabilidade de três escalas: A ER teve coeficientes moderados, substanciais ou excelentes. No IB estes foram substanciais ou excelentes nos totais e nos itens, assim como quando foi estratificado em agrupamentos prognósticos e funcionais. A NIHSS apresentou coeficientes excelentes nos totais, substanciais nos itens e moderados e excelentes nas estratificações em grupos de pontos e de itens afins.

Full Text Available A atividade suinícola vem, desde meados da década de 70, sendo uma das mais poluidoras atividades agroindustriais no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os parâmetros adotados na partida do reator UASB foram: The swine production, since 70this one of the most pollutant agro-industrial activities in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The objective of this research was to develop an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor UASB, aiming at treating the effluent generated within a maximum efficiency and minimum time and cost.

The system was fed continuously. The physical-chemical analyses carried out were: Verificou-se a presença dos 2 fatores previstos na teoria, a saber: As foreseen from the theory, a principal-axis factoring showed the presence of the expected two factors, namely internal and external locus of control. Protocolo para el diseño de una escala específica de auto-eficacia en la adherencia a una dieta sin gluten: Escala de celiaquía y auto-eficacia. Full Text Available Antecedentes: Recientemente, la auto-eficacia se ha asociado con comportamientos de autogestión de las enfermedades crónicas y el estado de salud en muchos campos.

A PAS é a que melhor atende aos objetivos específicos da fisioterapia, pois avalia os principais problemas de mobilidade funcional. Full Text Available Aborda o projeto para o mapeamento em escala 1: Ajuda e acolhida; 3.

Condições físicas do serviço. Escala de atitude frente à fofoca: Portanto, considerando a relevância desse construto e a ausência de medida específica no contexto brasileiro, decidiu-se adaptar a Escala de Atitudes frente à Fofoca EAFF para, especificamente, conhecer evidências de sua validade solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly e de sua consistência interna. O instrumento é formado por 12 itens, respondidos em escala de 5 pontos, e mede dois fatores: Diversas metodologias foram desenvolvidas para validar instrumentos psicométricos.

Tal processo envolveu quatro etapas: Utilizou-se a escala analógica visual para coleta de dados. Conclui-se que as estratégias foram efetivas no alívio da intensidade da dor das parturientes estudadas durante o trabalho de parto. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias no farmacológicas para aliviar el dolor de parturientas en el trabajo de parto.

Se utilizó, para recolectar los datos, la escala analógica visual. Se verifico una diferencia significativa en el alivio del dolor después de la aplicación de las ENF, demostrando una reducción de ese dolor en la medida que. Estes responderam os seguintes instrumentos: Mecanismos de aprendizagem em organizações: Os fatores foram denominados: Os animais permaneceram em cativeiro por 72 horas.

Nenhum animal dos Grupos 1 e 2 apresentou lesões clínicas ou histológicas. Três animais do Grupo 3 apresentaram alterações motoras nas patas posteriores e relaxamento do esfíncter anal. Em um outro animal deste grupo, no. Contesta-se o uso indiscriminado das figuras, pois, conforme se entende, deve haver um conhecimento prévio.

Scaling cigars in the Cuban tourism economy Configurar a escala dos charutos na economia do turismo em Cuba. Full Text Available Taking scale as an object of analysis Tsingthis article examines how competing scale-making projects emerge in different layers of the Cuban tourism economy.

I consider how tourists and Cubans interact along contested chains of production and distribution of cigars, and therefore become entangled in bundles of ideas, discourses, practices and materialities. These constitute different scaling propositions on which tourists and Cubans converge or diverge, and which inform the success of encounters within the tourism economy.

Highlighted is the importance of understanding how scaling propositions are enacted and negotiated within tourism. I conclude that the realm of tourism is a particularly fruitful platform to investigate how competing scale-making projects and notions of scale are played out in the contemporary world.

Escala mexicana de calidad en el servicio en restaurantes emcaser. Full Text Available En el presente artículo se describe el desarrollo de una escala para medir la calidad en el servicio en restaurantes en México.

El objetivo es ofrecer solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly escala redactada en español para medir calidad en el servicio en restaurantes de servicio a mesa, que se ha denominado Escala mexicana de calidad en el servicio en restaurantes emcaser. Se realiza una revisión del concepto de calidad en el servicio, su medición en general y su medición específicamente en restaurantes, explicando cómo se realizó la detección inicial de atributos y dimensiones mediante un estudio exploratorio.

Posteriormente, se exponen los resultados de diversas pruebas empíricas a través de las cuales se fue corrigiendo la escala y con las que se fueron mejorando indicadores de confianza y validez.

Finalmente, se comparten los reactivos de esta escala ofreciéndolos abiertamente para su uso en estudios posteriores. As ferramentas da transversalidade e da intersetorialidade devem refletir em mudança social. Sem isso, o desenvolvimento regional torna-se contraditório, longe de representar uma oportunidade para regiões deprimidas tanto econômica quanto socialmente. Das sombras históricas da peste, da fome e da guerra que amor A partir da Learning Values Scale de Ellis et al.

Validación en México de una Escala de Calidad Relacional: El Uso de la Escala Aquarela-R. Desenvolvimento e estrutura interna de uma escala de competências gerenciais. Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou desenvolver uma escala para avaliar competências gerenciais.

Buscou-se identificar competências relevantes ao desempenho de gestores de um banco, bem como verificar em que medida tais gestores expressam essas competências no trabalho.

Os resultados revelaram 31 competências gerenciais, agrupadas em seis fatores denominados "estratégia e operações", "resultado econômico", "clientes", "comportamento organizacional", "processos internos" e "sociedade".

Mapa Geologico de Venezuela a Escala 1: Se presenta un mapa geologico digital de Venezuela sobre un fondo de relieve sombreado. Los datos geologicos e hidrologicos del norte del rio Orinoco proceden de la digitalizacion de mapas geologicos en papel a escala 1: Estos datos fueron integrados con el mapa geologico digital del Escudo de Guayana Venezolano, a su vez derivado de hojas en papel a escala 1: La informacion sobre los tipos de fallas mostrados en el mapa es igual que en las fuentes originales.

Los poligonos geologicos fueron atribuidos por edad, litologia y nombre de la unidad siguiendo el Codigo geologico de Venezuela. Se incorporaron revisiones significativas de la geologia de la Cordillera de la Costa a partir de las nuevas hojas integradas a escala 1: Toda esta informacion geologico-estructural se sobrepuso a una imagen de relieve sombreado, solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly por el procesamiento de los datos de radar interferometrico con 90 m 3 arcosegundos de resolucion espacial obtenidos por la mision topografica de radar del transbordador espacial SRTM.

Las areas de la base de datos del SRTM carentes de informacion fueron llenadas por medio de la interpolacion de los datos de las celdas adyacentes. Para producir la imagen de relieve sombreado se uso una direccion de iluminacion de deg con un angulo de 65 deg sobre el horizonte.

La proyeccion usada en el mapa es conica equidistante, con latitudes de 4 y 9 deg norte como paralelos estandar y una longitud de 66 deg al oeste como meridiano central. Los datos en el mapa proceden primordialment de hojas a escala 1: Los usuarios pueden obtener ampliaciones mayores, sin embargo no se garantiza la precision del mapa a escalas mas detalladas.

Especialmente en la region de Guayana, al sobreponer los mapas geologicos sobre la reciente imagen SRTM, se notan grandes discrepancias no sistematicas tanto en contactos como en fallas. Esto es debido a que los mapas. Validación de las escalas de bienestar, de florecimiento y afectividad. El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas de las escalas de fl orecimiento y afecto positivo y negativo, propuestas por Diener et al.

Se realizaron dos estudios. El primero empleó estudiantes universitarios para analizar la confi abilidad y la estructura factorial de las escalas. Ambos estudios mostraron adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en las escalas. Los coefi cientes de confi abilidad fueron de 0. Estos resultados permiten confi rmar la validez y utilidad de las escalas para la evaluación del bienestar en población hispana.

Escala de Metas de Estudio para Estudiantes Universitarios. Full Text Available Actualmente disponemos de gran cantidad de trabajos que muestran la implicación de las metas de estudio en la motivación por estudiar y aprender.

Este trabajo analiza la motivación académica y, especialmente, la variable "metas de estudio". El principal propósito de esta investigación es conocer las características psicométricas de la adaptación de la Escala de Metas de Estudio a la población universitaria chilena. Los participantes son estudiantes chilenos, de distintas facultades universitarias.

Estos resultados fundamentan el uso de la Escala de Metas de Estudio para evaluar la motivación al estudio de alumnas y alumnos universitarios en Chile CL. Full Text Available El presente artículo expone los resultados de la investigación realizada en el añocuyo objetivo fue medir las actitudes hacia la diversidad que presenta el estudiantado de primer ingreso de la Escuela de Formación Docente, Universidad de Costa Rica.

La revisión teórica permitió definir que la diversidad se conceptualiza desde la diferencia humana y se presenta en la cotidianidad, en las relaciones que se dan con los otros, quienes a su vez determinan la diferencia. In order to validate the model, many simulations were conducted, using different number of soldiers, weights priority degrees, daily demands, scales types and the eventual need for having soldiers on call.

The results were considered acceptable, by comparing the optimized scales with the ones in use on the occasion of the data collection those were based on worker's experience. Full Text Available A diagrammatic scale with six levels 0. The scale was designed based on two others already in use in order to increase the efficiency of evaluation and for estimation values to approach as close as possible to their actual values.

Two evaluations were performed using each of the three diagrammatic scales and one was performed without a diagrammatic scale, in seven solteros de inver grove heights weather hourly intervals.

Using the proposed scale, the evaluators demonstrated better precision levels, accuracy, reproducibility, and repeatability in the estimations, when compared to the evaluators who did not use the diagrammatic scale, or who used existing scales. The proposed diagrammatic scale provided a reliable estimation to evaluate brown eye spot severity on coffee tree leaves. Analysis of the MODIS sensor from the Terra Satellite images show the occurrence of various phenomena such as local cloud streets, precipitating convective systems and an important influence of the interfaces between the forest and water surfaces.

Numerical simulations for November 7, showed that the model represented well the major meteorological processes. Simulations with high resolution LES produced spatial patterns of temperature and humidity aligned with the winds during the daytime, and at nighttime the patterns are influenced mainly by the presence of the bay.

Correlations between the mid-level winds and the latent heat fluxes showed that there is a change from negative correlations for the early hours to positive correlations for the afternoon and early evening. Simulações numéricas para o dia 7 de novembro de mostraram que o modelo representou bem as principais vari. Foram pesquisados os seguintes descritores no Pubmed: Dez artigos foram selecionados entre e com propostas de escalas para a disfagia.

Validez y confiabilidad de la escala de salud mental positiva. Para este propósito se realizaron los siguientes procesos: Abstract This paper focus on showing the validity and reliability based on the Scale of Positive Mental Health in Health dpt workers from Michoacan, Mexico. For this purpose some procedures were performed as follow: According to the indicators, it was defined what it was required measure; 2.

Current instruments were reviewed; 3. Number of items were generated, decided and reviewed; 4. Mental health scale was applied for population sampled; 5. Items were assessed for its validation and reliability. Scale factorial structure was assessed using factor analysis and taking into account main components method and rotation. The results show 0. Medio ambiente, desarrollo sostenible y escalas de sustentabilidad. Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene dos partes.

La perspectiva que se adopta se fundamenta en que no existe una opinión clara y universalmente admitida sobre el concepto y, en consecuencia, una de sus principales características es su vaguedad. En la segunda parte se estudian las diferentes opciones de desarrollo rural sustentable desde una perspectiva global y se proponen diferentes escalas de sustentabilidad rural. Evidências de validade para a Escala de Vitalidade.

El objetivo del estudio fue investigar las propiedades psicométricas de una Escala de Vitalidad EV en lo referente a la estructura interna y a la asociación con un instrumento de evaluación del optimismo. Las edades variaron de 18 a 65 años.

Intervenciones Psicológicas Administradas por Teléfono para la Depresión: En los estudios se evaluaron distintos tipos de intervenciones psicológicas, predominando las cognitivo-conductuales, con resultados, al menos, tan positivos como los obtenidos en intervenciones cara a cara, y con un tamaño del efecto significativo combinado entre pequeño y moderado, d de Cohen de El objetivo del presente estudio fue el desarrollo y validación de una escala para medir capital psicológico en adultos.

La escala fue administrada a empleados, conjuntamente con las medidas de desempeño laboral, comportamientos organizacionales contraproducentes y satisfacción general. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de cuatro factores con satisfactorios niveles de validez y confiabilidad, los que fueron rotulados como: La escala cumple con los criterios psicométricos exigidos y puede ser empleada como herramienta de diagnóstico y gestión organizacional.

The objective of this study was the development and validation of a scale to measure psychological capital in adults. The initial items were developed on the basis of the bibliographical review, interviews with employees and consultations with specialists.

Initially a pilot test was carried out which allowed conceptual and semantic adjustments of the items. The scale was administered to employees, together with the measures of job performance, organizational self-defeating behaviors and overall satisfaction. The results showed the existence of four factors with satisfactory levels of validity and reliability, which were labeled as: There is a great concern by the industrial area on the disposal of waste generated during the production process.

In the mineral sector the situation is the same, because large volumes of waste are disposed. The kaolin processing industry generates waste consisting mainly of kaolinite, mica and quartz muscovite, causing an environmental impact, justifying the research efforts to find a solution for this problem. The effect of the waste from the kaolin processing incorporation on the technological and physical properties of high quality.

Full Text Available Resumen: El presente artículo expone los resultados de la investigación realizada en el añocuyo objetivo fue medir las actitudes hacia la diversidad que presenta el estudiantado de primer ingreso de la Escuela de Formación Docente, Universidad de Costa Rica.

This paper presents the results of the investigation done on the yearwhich objective was to measure the attitude towards diversity the students had during their first year in the School for Teacher Training Escuela de Formación Docente in the University of Costa Rica.

The theoretical revisions defined that diversity is conceptualized from human differences, and it is present every day in the relationships with other people, whom at the same time, determine the difference. The latent construct denominated diversity was explained through existing human differences in the personal, cultural and cognitive aspects, this last one being the sub-construct.

Avaliou-se a consistência interna, a validade discriminante e concorrente e a confiabilidade. Participants were teenagers, 10 to 18 years old, both sexes, enrolled in a private school junior and high school age. Translation, back-translation, technique revision and evaluation were conducted. The Portuguese instrument was evaluated for internal consistency, discriminate and concurrent validity. Internal consistency showed values from 0.

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